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World No Tobacco Day 2024: Preventing Youth Tobacco Addiction


For World No Tobacco Day 2024, we examine tobacco’s addictive nature for young people and strategies to discourage smoking. Tobacco addiction often begins young, with most smokers starting before age 18 and two-thirds becoming daily smokers. Quitting is tough, typically requiring 30 attempts.

To protect future generations, we need stronger measures from leaders and broad advocacy. Effective solutions include stricter marketing controls, increased taxes, and better public awareness of the industry’s practices.

First, tobacco marketing needs tighter regulation. The industry targets youth through social media, school-adjacent product placements, and entertainment sponsorships. We must enforce plain packaging, ban flavors, and eliminate misleading promotions.

Second, higher tobe taxes are essential. Effective taxation across products and regions can significantly reduce smoking. However, taxes need to be supported by other measures to foster a healthy lifestyle.

Third, we need improved health warnings for young people. “Smoking Kills” is relevant but insufficient. We must expose the industry’s manipulative tactics and environmental damage. Cigarette litter pollutes water, and tobacco farming contributes to deforestation. Highlighting these impacts can engage youth.

The WHO Framework Convention on its Control calls for reducing nicotine use, yet it still causes 2.5 million deaths annually, with high youth involvement. Action is critical, particularly for vulnerable youth. Despite having the tools, political will, and knowledge, our efforts are insufficient. We must act now.

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