Flavio Becca, an entrepreneur from Luxembourg, was sentenced to two years imprisonment and a EUR250,000 penalty. Watches were also confiscated. There is no lawyer for the stars. No Flavio Becca. After a lengthy legal battle, Becca was sentenced to two years imprisonment and a EUR250,000 fine for company assets abuse.
Flavio Becca is warned by the court not to reoffend in the five-year period following the date of this judgement, the judge said before ordering the return of a certain number of seized objects to Promobe Finance, which includes 643 watches. All other watches including the 187 that he claims he gave to his entourage are to be confiscated.
The court will assess a fine of EUR20,000 for each watch or EUR3.74m if they are not recovered. Becca could spend an additional 200 days in jail per watch if the fine is not paid. This would be a maximum of 3,600 day imprisonment. The maximum sentence is ten years. In civil matters Eric Lux, Becca’s ex-business partner, and his companies were thrown out of court. Two Luxembourgish lawyers representing the entrepreneur declined to comment. The state prosecutor recommended a 42-month sentence in prison and a fine amounting to EUR250,000.
After Becca was notified by the tax administration about large amounts of valuables being billed to her companies, the search for a safe at Becca’s house led to the prosecution’s office being alerted. The EUR18m cost of the 900 watches that Becca seized, which were purchased in half a dozen different countries and kept in her private safe, was estimated.